I added more artwork and portfolio content on my site today. Squarespace has some really great functionality if you are looking for a quick and easy way to get your content online without having to worry about messy code or managing assets like blog posts or image content. This is important for us lazy designers!

I've had my michael-frazier.com domain name for a while now and I was getting pestered to update the billing information on Godaddy... and for some reason I found myself scrolling through the new domain names that one can purchase and came across some really crazy ones like "guru" and "rocks" ... so of course, I went ahead and bought a whole bunch of them in bulk! Something about fulfilling my American dream of world domination. Besides, buying things in bulk... just feels sooooooo right.

Anyway... I have something like 13 domain names now registered to this site. Talk about internet presence.

michael-frazier.rocks - LOL
michael-frazier.com - DUH
And for some non-hyphenish names...

If only the woman who owns michaelfrazier.com would give this domain up, that would be great! She's had that .com parked for about 10 years now for her son, who at the time of registration, was too young to even know how to use the web... I emailed this woman back in 2007 to see if she would be willing to sell me the name and she explained to me that it was important that her son OWN the email domain of michael@michaelfrazier.com. Very thoughtful mom! Back when I was a kid... 

HEY AT LEAST I HAVE THE .BIZ ADDRESS! You never know when you'll never need that bad boy..........
